sunnuntai 1. lokakuuta 2017

Koulumme vaihto-oppilaat

Tänä vuonna kouluumme on tullut kaksi uutta vaihto-oppilasta, Saksasta ja Espanjasta. Saksalainen Emilia ja espanjalainen Sandra kertoivat itsestään ja siitä, mitä he odottavat vaihtovuodeltaan Suomessa.


My name is Emilia and I am a 16-year-old girl from Germany. Normally I live in the center of Munich and now I am for the next 10 months here in Finland. What I expect from Finland is that there is a lot of snow in the winter time. But I am open what this year will bring.

Same in German:
Mein Name ist Emilia ich bin 16 Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland. Genauer gesagt aus München. Ich werde nun die nächsten 10 Monats hier in Finnland verbringen. Was ich von Finnland erwarte, dass es im Winter viel Schnee gibt. Ansonsten lasse ich mich Uberraschen was das Jahr sonst noch so bringt.

My hobbies:
In my free time I really like to do sports. For example in the winter time I like to go downhill skiing or go snowboarding. I also like to go hiking or climbing in the mountains. After school I often go to the boulder hall. With my friends I like to play volleyball or soccer and go to the city or to a swimming place.


I am from Spain and I have arrived in Finland on August 18th. I have been here for a while to be able to say something about it but for now I like the country and I have come here to learn languages and to know Finland.

Same in Spanish:
Yo soy de España, he llegado a finlandia el dia 18 de agosto. Llevo poco tiempo aqui para poder decir algo sobre él pero de momento me esta gustando el país y he venido para aprender idiomas y conocer Finlandia.

My hobbies: I go to the beach with my friends and to the swimming pool, do surfing and listen to music.

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