keskiviikko 4. huhtikuuta 2018

Muistoja potsdamilaisten vierailusta 5.-10.9.2017

Martsarissa vieraili viime syyskuussa jälleen opiskelijoita ja opettajia ystävyyskoulustamme Potsdamista, Saksasta! Saksalaiset vieraat saivat tutustua muun muassa oppitunteihin ja suomalaiseen koulunkäyntiin sekä Helsinkiin ja lähialueen nähtävyyksiin. Tässä potsdamilaiset muistelevat menneen syksyn Suomen-vierailuaan.

Some beautiful days in September….. 

Last autumn we hardly said goodbye to our exchange partners of the Martinlaakson lukio, because we were meeting very nice students, families and teachers. It was really hard to leave.  

When we arrived at the Vantaa Airport on 5th of September, all of us were very, very excited but shy too. Not all of us talked that much in the first few hours, but politeness and interest in us, furthermore the parent welfare helped us to get in closer contact, so that Finland felt like a second home just after 4 days of being there.  

Between German and Finnish students and school life we noticed commons just as well as differences: e.g. the self-service in the Cafeteria, the possibility of playing table tennis in the hallway and that kind of fitness center inside the school building. These are things that were impressing to us and we wished we could have them in our school too. 

Henkilön Martinlaakson lukio kuva.
Keväällä 2017 Potsdamissa vierailleet Martsarin opiskelijat järjestivät vieraille hauskoja ohjelmanumeroita!
But we did not only take part in the lessons or learned something about the Finnish education system by Taru, we also had the possibility to discover Vantaa and Helsinki. The sightseeing tour of PäiviLinnanmäkiHeureka and the Design museum as well as the Mall of the Vantaa were highlights in our program.  

Last but not least we would like to say thank you to the students and teachers and families from the Martinlaakson lukio for creating such a wonderful and awesome exchange for us!  
We will recommend it to everybody! And certainly: some of us would like to come back!  

Helena Gärtner/ Viola Sperlich 

Henkilön Martinlaakson lukio kuva.
Potsdamilaiset Helsingin-vierailulla!

Kuvat: Martinlaakson lukion Facebook

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